Friday, August 5, 2011


The Armed Revolver Notebook; The Kill Time Mug.

Housegoods… not just for your lame girlfriends to pick out anymore.

Straight outta Los Angeles, MollaSpace is a worldwide collective of designers focused on innovation and straight funkin’ up your spot with crazy alternatives to boring-ass vases, coffee mugs, ashtrays and other shit you would normally seek out at a yard sale or second-hand shop. Flea market quality, however, MollaSpace is not – this crew happily utilizes heavy duty ceramics, metals and plastics in surprising ways that always end up in mind-fucking results… and speaking of dirty, filthy brain-boning, check the designers and the work they have done for themselves and MollaSpace. Can’t wait to see what they serve up next.

We’ve got a limited supply here at The ‘Loop for Summer ’11 (more to come this fall), so if you like what you’re seeing, don’t hesitate.

The Peaceful Bomb Vase

The Armed Knife Notebook; The Armed Grenade Notebook.

The Love Grenade

Check their site out at

1 comment:

  1. shit is reall cool. check out their website or click the link above
