Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drake Can't Do What With Who?!?!

So I got this letter from illSeed over at (Shouts out to AHH) about Drake and this run in that he had up in Canada...check it out its pretty crazy. I have heard a lot of rumors about Drake and how hes fake and has writers and he was created by Hollywood...who knows if any of it's true or just people hating...but this seems pretty legit. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!

I grew up with Aubrey Graham out here before he went got his role on Degrassi and turned into Jimmy Brooks and then got fake shot and turned into Wheelchair Jimmy, and then signed with Wayne and turned into Drizzy Drake. Anyways, homeboy was back in town this weekend visiting his moms and my homie Joe Duckett who also went to Forest Hill Collegiate with us got invited to a party at another mutual friend's crib.

Now this is basically the first time I've seen the kid since we were playing ball at 14 so I was pretty pumped. I mean we were bar mitzvah kids together, used to chill pretty much every weekend, mackin chicks, blowing trees, you name it. It's a Canadian Jew thang. So me and Duckett get to Rupert's crib and immediately I know this isn't my typical Saturday night. There's about 50 girls in this place that I would literally sell my mother into slavery if it meant sleeping with them (i did get some brain... bamm!)

(I had to edit some of the letter to get to the point...) Then we start talkin bout hip hop and Duckett brings up the Phonte s**t from last week (mother f***er's a huge LB fan)... So Aubrey starts saying how Wayne told him not to do the collabo with Phonte or 9th and that he's basically on a gag order. People started asking if the order came down from Birdman but he wouldn't confirm or deny. So I say that shit's pretty foul and Aubrey agrees whole heartedly. Really shocked me, man. Shebib (40) was in the crib too and he starts saying that he had some sick co-production on a joint 9th wonder gave to them and my man was saying he had the dopest rhymes and just wished he could use them but he's just not allowed. He said people are tryna protect his image and keep him commercial... and that backpack s**taint sellin no more.

Crazy, right?

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